Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Over the past few months several bloggers I follow have given up their blogs. Some were from illness, some just boredom and a few because they either did not have time or spent too much time blogging.
I also have seen that some of you have noticed that your comments have gone down and wondered if blogging was on it's way out. I do not think so, at least I hope not.
Personally, I have had my blog for almost 2 years. At first it was just to generate some interest in my Etsy Shops but as time went on and I visited many, many blogs around the world and got to know some of you well enough to call friends, my idea of blogging changed.
Before I started my own blog I honestly had no idea what blogging was. I do not really even know when it started. In the short time I have been blogging I have learned so much. Not only have I become a bit of a whiz on building my blog but I now know that there is literally a blog for any interest of any kind.
Whether it is for decor, crafts, art, farming, personal opinions, and I could go on and on, people out there have something to say.
Now, my comments have dropped dramatically and I am just putting it down to the summer months. Everyone wants to be outside. In the winter we cozy up with a cup of something and blog to our hearts content. If you think there is no one out there don't worry, someone is alway listening. I have been through some emotional times this year and always had a response from my lovely blogging family.
I found this quote today and I think it is perfect for bloggers.
I have truly become close to many, many of you. We all are there when someone needs a hug or just a little support ( you all know who you are ).
As for the amount of time I spend blogging, well it does vary. I think on an average I spend two hours a day, not necessarily all at once, posting and catching up on other blogs. Now I do try to do a daily post but that is just me, I love to get my creative opinions out there.
Do I walk away from my desk and enjoy the outdoors, absolutely! I look at blogging as kind of a slash job and social activity. It really does not take a lot of time. I will be doing somethine else and come up with an idea for a post. Sometimes I will do a little work on a post and save it until later. All of my posts are not about my life they are about everything.
That being said, I must go, I have a birthday cake and dozens of cupcakes to bake today. This post took me around 12 minutes to complete.
Before I go I really do need some help. For some reason I have been unable to leave comments on some blogs. When I go to leave a comment and it says " enter a profile" nothing happens. I find that I have no trouble with those of you who have the pop up window but the ones at the bottom of your posts just don't work. I have tried emptying my cache but it still did not work.
Do any of you have this problem? Does anyone know what I can try? I really miss leaving comments on these blogs because they are some that I read daily.
And don't forget to KEEP ON BLOGGING. It is fun, it is social, it is a way of life.
Images from PINTEREST.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
It is a lovely morning here. The weather is a little cooler, a slight breeze through the trees. The cattle are awake and the babies are happy.
The three baby robins that are above our porch are up and hungry.
Before I continue on with my morning I must share the delicious lunch we had yesterday. Very simple but sitting in the sun with the birds singing and the water splashing in the fountain made it feel like we were in Norway sitting by a Fjord.
I bought some lovely smoked salmon smoked the way the Native Canadians do it here. I soft boiled some eggs and made an heirloom tomato salad simply dressed with olive oil, salt, pepper and then sprinkled spring onion on everything. Delicious!
You may remember last summer I accidently made a nice blueberry jam. I was heating blueberries with a little sugar for a syrup and left it too long and had a yummy jam in minutes. Well, our peaches are ready so this morning I made some nice quick peach jam. I just cut up four nice size peaches and cooked it down with 4 tbsp. of sugar.
It was absolutely delicous on a multi-grain organic bread.
Within minutes Rufus was beside me with his funny grin and Daisy was not far behind. Of course they each had a little piece how could I resist those eyes.
I could sit here all day just looking across the farm. The birds are singing the squirrels are scampering, usually away from the dogs, and the sun is shining. Breakfast is done and I am going to sit and enjoy reading my new British Country Living. Life is good!
Friday, July 27, 2012
As you know I have become enamoured with the new vibrant hair colours available. Well, today I discovered some gorgeous countries with the most divine coloured houses I have ever seen.
These eye popping groups of houses are in Italy and Greece. How lovely it must be to wake up in the mornings with the sea air caressing you and look out your window and have your vision tickled with these candy coloured houses.
Ah, England. Your history, your sophistication, your lovely Queen and the most vibrant, deliciously decandent coloured house I have ever seen too.
These lovelies in Germany are more subtle but still a feast for the eyes.
This field of rainbow homes is in my own country. Newfoundland, Canada is famous for their rich, vibrant colourful homes. With such cold winters these must make them feel a little warmer.
Around the world there seems to be a tie that binds us all. We do love colour in every shape and form. It just makes you smile a little broader, walk a little lighter and bring sunshine into even the cloudiest day.
Images from PINTEREST.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
I recently did a post on how much I adore the colour RED. While researching some photos for the post I came across this lovely picture of drop dead Red Hair. It peaked my interest and I started looking at some other hair colours. They have come a long way with colour. The new colours are vibrant yet powdery soft looking. It got me to thinking about doing something bold to my hair. I have always been quite daring with jewelry, clothing, shoes and decor but very conservative with my hair. I did accidently dye it bright red once.
I love the "New" Silver, Grey and White shades of hair. It does not matter how old you are it seems to be "The" colour right now. I adore the lilac grey shades. I will never have natural grey hair no matter how old I get. Both my grandmother and great-grandmother were in their 80's when they left this earth and at the most they had become salt and pepper and that was just in their very last years. The men in my family are the same. Now my husband and his family are a different story. He and his mother were going grey in their early 30's. In their 40's they were pretty much white. Our son seems to take after our family, not much grey yet anyway.
I mentioned Red, well my idea of red hair is vibrant, out there colour.
Then there are these gorgeous soft blues, aren't they just lovely.
I am not really a pink kind of girl when it comes to clothing. I do like this hair though, it reminds me of cotton candy.
Ooooooo, let's not forget the Lilac and Lavender shades, yummy! But, this is not the shade for me. There is only one that made my heart flutter and here it is.
Lovely, luscious Turquoise! Oh how I adore this colour. Rich, soft, powdery I can really see myself in this colour. I figure you only go around once..er, twice... well perhaps three times in life why not do what you want. After all it is only colour it will come out.
I have found the perfect shade of colour from a salon in England and I am ordering some today. Now before you think I have gone over the edge, I am going to just do some streaks like these first ( although the second picture is blue not turquoise that is the effect I like.) So stay tuned ladies I am really looking forward to having some fun.
Images from PINTEREST.