Thank you all for the wonderful comforting hugs yesterday. It real did make me feel so much better knowing that out there in the virtual world of blogging there are so many caring people. I feel better today, the weather is finally getting nicer and yesterday afternoon I went outside and did some work and spent time with my furry babies.

Winter is not your friend when you have a farm and lots of trees. In Spring there are fallen branches, sometimes fallen trees, leaves and lots of debris to be cleaned. My husband took down the old gazebo, you may remember I got a lovely new one a couple of years ago. Well, we had a very wet snowfall and my dear husband, being the stubborn man that he is, refused to take the canvas off of the top of the gazebo. He would knock the snow off everyday but this particular wet snow he did not and my new one collapsed beyond repair! That is the last store bought gazebo, my darling man is going to built one for me at the top of the garden. Karma! Also, over the winter my large raised garden bed collapsed with the help of one very large white dog. Daisy, as large as she is, managed to jump into the bed. It was already weak and we knew we had to replace it so now there will be a new gazebo and a new garden bed.
It never ceases to amaze how much work there is to do outside. Even though we clean in the fall we always have so much to do in the Spring.
Atticus and Rufus were a great help in the yard. Rufus has a thing about wood so he picks up anything and takes it away. Darling Atticus is such a baby even though he is so big. He does not like fire at all but he put up with the one we had to stay close to us.
Daisy on the other hand gets bored. She spent her afternoon sleeping on the porch.
Donations of things are coming in for the SOMETHING THIS WAY COMES FUNDRAISER. A lot of companies have generously offered to send not only samples but lovely products to fill the Raffle Baskets.
Some nice fellow artists from Etsy and Blogland are donating to. If you would like to help with something small and light for mailing just let me know and I will give you my address.
Thank you all again for the big hug yesterday, it really did make me feel so much better.