Time is ticking away, every year it sneaks up on me. Had our one family Christmas Party yesterday now just gearing up for the big day. Thought I had better do a post on the Christmas Farm before it was too late.
Below the stairs I have an lovely Nova Scotia dresser where I set up a little tree and surround it with my Grandmother's antique ornaments. I love to sit in the chair beside this and watch old Christmas movies. So many of these ornaments I have seen in these movies, glad I have so many of them it reminds all season of the wonderful Christmas's on my Grandparents farm.
The lovely carved Grouse, another piece from my Grandmother, sits in an old basket surrounded by Christmas greenery . The rocker has one of the pillows I made a few years ago. The Pumpkin Cupboard is perfect for my HO HO HO candles and my quirky little Santa. The Prayer Bench, from an old Quebec Monastery, looks homey with my old Santa and Snowlady dolls, A Tomte sits with Dasher waiting for Santa. This is one of my favourite Christmas prints, it is from a children's storybook.
I made the Christmas card holder from an old window, so simple and the cards stay in securely. A little tree sits on the old desk with a paper mache Santa head and the little mouse our son made when he was in grade 5, it is my most precious ornament.
The retro tablecloth was a Value Village find years ago. It is linen and from the 1940's, handpainted, I just love it, I have never been lucky enough to find another one. The snowmen reminded me of the ones from the old cartoons. Every year, when I take this bobble piece out I cry. It was my grandmother's favourite Christmas ornament, it is shiny and bright and just lovely. Tomte's invaded the house this year. More will be for sale in my Etsy shop soon.
My Grandmother's folk art collection of wooden men and a Canada Goose sit on top of a Quebec Linen Press. Tin trees and candle make it so warm at night.
This mistletoe was the first ornament I bought for us when we got married. It is a little kitschy but I treasure it. On top of the kitchen bench is alit with lights and ornaments, a vintage like Merry Christmas hangs from the butter drain board. This Norman Rockwell Christmas print is one of my favourites of his. Big paper stars are all over the house. I fond these three adorable Christmas girls at HomeSense a long time ago and then found the stand at a different store. The are just so cute.

Nigella's Christmas Cookbook sits appropriately in the kitchen with some felt Christmas puddings. The little ceramic Christmas Shopper is another one of my Grandmother's pieces. The big windows are full of little ornaments and Scandinavian lit stars shine in the windows. I have one little place for my Norwegian Christmas. A small tree, crowned robin, cow bell and Christmas boat in a fjord make me feel very happy. I have a vast collection of Christmas china, love it all, I found these cups and I have the dishes too, a few years ago, reduced to a ridiculous low price after Christmas. I loved that they were hand thrown and hand stamped, it ends up they are made in England by Sophie Conrad and they were a very good find.
It's not Christmas on the farm without some cows! We bought this sign at the hospital gift shop the day our little Sebastian was born, a wonderful day! Snowmen, snowmen in every corner!
And now for the big tree. I have collected little Christmas mice for years and the tree is covered in them along with red and green balls and white lights. Santa sits on top. More paper stars, lots of little trees and snowmen and of course the Scandinavian deer candles that twirl when lit.
My " Lord a Leapin" sits on top of the cupboard with his buddy on the other side. Every corner is decorated for the festive season, it is once a year so why not go mad.
I put this snowman and this little tree together every year. The tree hold all of my Grandmother's miniature ornaments including the wonderful brush birds.
The snow is melting a bit, but there is still a blanket of white settled on the farm. I hope you are all enjoying your Christmas homes now and are hustling and bustling to assist Santa on the big day!